Milena Jancuric

“Shapes and Stories’ is an album demonstrative of Milena Jancuric’s immeasurable talent – from her world-class ability as a performer to also serving as the project’s producer and composer the flautist masterfully uses the opportunity to solidify herself as an accomplished and, frankly, brilliant artist.”

Imran Mirza ‘100 songs of 2021 at Blue In Green Radio’

Milena Jancuric Flutist
Milena Jancuric - Photo by Danilo Mijatovic


Milena Jancuric is a flute player, born in Novi Sad, Serbia. She graduated in classical music performance at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade in 2010, and Performance studies at Berklee College of Music in Boston, MA in 2013.

During the school years she built her music education to the professional level studying and working with established musicians as Matt Marvuglio, Ljubiša Jovanović, Marco Pignataro, Danilo Perez, Fernando Brandao, Scott Free, Mitch Haupers and many more.

Berklee College of Music was a great inspiration for Milena’s musical growth. With a big joy for playing classical music, Milena also discovered her passion to improvise and compose her original music. In February 2013, she formed Milena Jancuric Trio and had her debut concert in Boston.

Beside her solo career, Milena took part in many concerts and projects as a soloist or member of the chamber ensemble, orchestra, small groups as well as a studio musician. In past few years she was collaborating with various music groups such as Aleksandar Dujin Orchestra, Ana Ćurčin, Nevena Reljin, Lazar Novkov & Frame Orchestra, The New Now Trio, Sanja Markovic, Ehud Ettun, Yabuno Ettun Project, Women of the World, Gaia Petrelli Willmer Octet, Tomoko Ozawa Quintet, etc…

Since 2016 she has been successfully collaborating with the musicians gathered around the Internal Compass Institute in Jerusalem and Mitzpe Ramon (Israel) with whom she participated in a series of concerts and music workshops throughout Israel.

In 2021 Milena released her debut album Shapes and Stories for Italian record label A.MA Records. Milena’s resume includes performances at music festivals and music events all over the world (USA, Panama, Poland, France, Hungary, Italy, Israel, Germany, Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia).

“Being a publisher and a producer it’s been a honor and a privilege to document her artistry with my label, and I hope there will be future opportunities to work together again.”

Antonio Martino A.MA Records